Gentle Refreshing Mouthwash


IMG_20180317_151337_338While I was making changes to my dental routine, gave this mouthwash recipe a try.
It’s good as a breath freshener after meals.


1/2 cup Water

1/2 cup Aloe Vera Juice (optional)

1 1/2 tsp Baking Soda

A pinch of Sea Salt

One drop/pellet Stevia Extract

One tiny pinch Menthol Crystals

One drop Peppermint Essential Oil
Mix and shake all ingredients together in a bottle until dissolved. Taste and adjust salt accordingly. Shake well before each use to avoid mouth burn as the essential oil does not dissolve in water readily.

This mouthwash keeps up to a week in the fridge. DO NOT USE COLD MOUTHWASH FROM THE FRIDGE DIRECTLY. BRING IT DOWN TO ROOM TEMPERATURE BEFORE USING. (Best to make small batches)

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